Editorial Writing
Experienced writer/editor for print and digital media, covering arts & entertainment. i.e. XXL, NME, Alternative Press, Billboard, Essence, and more.
Media Apperances
Appeared as an expert on podcasts such as The Music Executive Podcast and NYABJ's The Sidebar Podcast.
Webinars & Workshops
Hosted educational presentations in collaboration with non-profit organizations WomenCrush Music and Finessed Media.
Music Curation
Hand-picked by music platform Groover to review global artist submissions. In addition to curating an original playlist.
Public Speaking
Served as a moderator/panelist at New York University (NYU), St John's University, DAZE Summit, General Assembly, NYABJ, and more.
Bio Writing
Commissioned by artists, managers, publicists, and labels to compose bios for press.
Allison Hazel is a sought after journalist with several years of experience. To book services, contact, or learn more visit the services page here.